Monday, April 29, 2024

The SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming Explained in Plain English

design object oriented programming

This makes program maintenance easier and simplifies the debugging process. If you wish to gain access to the info, you need to interact with the article in charge of the info. While new languages are being created, existing ones are always being updated to make them better. Now it’s time to understand the concept of Interface using Superhero class. Programming languages often use the keyword new to signal that a constructor is being called.

How to Create it With Abstraction

Multiple inheritance is allowed in some languages, though this can make resolving overrides complicated. Mixins are typically used to add the same methods to multiple classes. For example, class UnicodeConversionMixin might provide a method unicode_to_ascii() when included in class FileReader and class WebPageScraper, which do not share a common parent. Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP), and it allows you to create a new class that is based on an existing class. This existing class is referred as the base class or parent class and the new class is called the derived class or child class.

The Single Responsibility Principle

That’s because it’s an entirely new instance and is completely unique from the first Dog object that you created. An instance is like a form that you’ve filled out with information. Just like many people can fill out the same form with their own unique information, you can create many instances from a single class. The Dog class specifies that a name and an age are necessary for defining a dog, but it doesn’t contain the name or age of any specific dog. Take a step back and consider using built-in, primitive data structures as an alternative. The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that there should never be more than one reason for a class to change.


Abstraction makes it easier and enables you to handle your projects in small, managable parts. By now languages like C++ and Eiffel had become more popular and mainstream among computer programmers. The recognition continued to grow during the 90s, and with the arrival of Java, OOP attracted a huge following. Method Overloading is also referred as Compile-time Polymorphism. Methods can have the same name but differ in the number of parameters passed to them. The outcome can vary based on the number of parameters provided during the method call.

design object oriented programming

Adapter Pattern

Then you use super() to call the .speak() method of the parent class with the same argument passed to sound as the GoldenRetriever class’s .speak() method. Since different breeds of dogs have slightly different barks, you want to provide a default value for the sound argument of their respective .speak() methods. To do this, you need to override .speak() in the class definition for each breed.

When an object is created from the class, the data and methods are contained within that object. Encapsulation hides the internal code implementation and data within a class and its objects. Encapsulation is the process of hiding an object's internal state and exposing a well-defined interface for interacting with it. Attributes and behaviors are defined by code inside the class template.

We know sometimes that multiple places need to do the same thing, and they need to do everything the same except for one small part. In this example, the get_pet function is a factory function that creates and returns an instance of Dog or Cat depending on the input. In this example, the bank account number and balance are private to the BankAccount class and can't be accessed directly from outside the class.

We even refactored a simple Invoice application to obey SOLID principles. The principle states that many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface. Clients should not be forced to implement a function they do no need. We change the type of InvoicePersistence to Interface and add a save method. The first violation is the printInvoice method, which contains our printing logic.

Get the Most out of scikit-learn with Object-Oriented Programming - Towards Data Science

Get the Most out of scikit-learn with Object-Oriented Programming.

Posted: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

SOLID: The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design

Let's create a main class to perform tests on the getArea function. As you might know, a square is just a special type of rectangle where the width is equal to the height. We have a simple Rectangle class, and a getArea function which returns the area of the rectangle. Liskov's principle is easy to understand but hard to detect in code.

An object-oriented program is described by the interaction of these objects. Object-oriented design is the discipline of defining the objects and their interactions to solve a problem that was identified and documented during object-oriented analysis. In this example, the Staff class has a virtual function displayInfo. When you call this function on objects on the derived classes, the appropriate version of displayInfo is invoked based on the acutal type of the object.

design object oriented programming

Although the analogy isn’t perfect, you can think of object inheritance sort of like genetic inheritance. Make sure that you indent the .__init__() method’s signature by four spaces, and the body of the method by eight spaces. It tells Python that the .__init__() method belongs to the Dog class. The DRY principle stands for the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” principle. Programmers tend to write lots of duplicate code intentionally or unintentionally.

This promotes flexibility, extensibility, and maintainability in software systems. Best software design practices have evolved alongside programming languages. Today, all developers should be familiar with abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, and generalization, which are fundamental principles in object-oriented design. You will learn all of these principles and how they are expressed in Java and communicated visually in Unified Modelling Language. Object-oriented programming is about modeling a system as a collection of objects, where each object represents some particular aspect of the system. An object is a data structure or abstract data type containing fields (state variables containing data) and methods (subroutines or procedures defining the object's behavior in code).

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